31 January 2011

THIRTY-SIX: Rose Tinted Glasses

I have never owned a ridiculous pair of sunglasses, so I bought these for £1...and I LOVE THEM!  They are going to be my ''rose tinted glasses'' (they are covered in roses) and whenever I start taking life too seriously I'll pop them on and have a laugh at myself.  It's already worked several times today and it's not even 5 o'clock yet!

30 January 2011

THIRTY-FIVE: Through The Keyhole

Doorways...always wonder what treasures are lurking behind...

28 January 2011

THIRTY-THREE: Cheese (graded: stilton)

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Ok, so this was a creation just to see if I could do it.  Cheesy but fun!

27 January 2011

THIRTY-TWO: The Mystic Realm

" The whole world, as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of colour."  
Hans Hofmann

26 January 2011

THIRTY-ONE: Pretty Gritty

Was feeling the need for a colour injection today...haven't exactly got there!  I read this post and went hunting for texture and print in B & W instead.  Some of my favourite photos are in B & W and have that amazing grittiness about them.   

25 January 2011

THIRTY: Little Monster

I feel like I need Rolf Harris to say "Can you see what it is yet?"!  This little monster (can you see his two eyes and straight little mouth?) is a light bulb.  He's a lovable little character.

24 January 2011

TWENTY-NINE: Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

Almost forgot my photo of the day!  Hence this picture, taken in bed with book in hand and Chamomile tea at the ready on my bedside table. 
I'm no literature buff but there's something super lovely about reading a good story.  I always feel a bit sad when I finish a good book.  A good book becomes a friend, something that you turn to at the end of the day, or when you get a moment to relax and need transporting to another world.  

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.  Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
~Groucho Marx

23 January 2011

22 January 2011

21 January 2011

TWENTY-SIX: Introducing Basil

This is Basil & his mates.  I've never been any good at growing things, but Basil is going great guns!  I love using fresh basil for cooking with, however I'm already feeling attached to Basil and not sure I'll be able to 'prune' him for use : (  ...I'd never make it as a farmers wife!

20 January 2011

TWENTY-FIVE: Gaining some perspective

I love the lines, and the splashes of colour from the graffiti.  

Vintage Cameras {not strictly project : 365 but inspired by it!}

Are magical!  Imagine all the pictures they have produced in their long lives.  We'll never know the full history of these incredible cameras and it's this mystery that makes them so flippin' fascinating!

I have the utmost respect for the photographers that used them.  I mean, think about it, they really had to know exactly what they were doing through the whole process to produce an image, true experts - no 'delete' button for them, no 'in-camera editing' or 'photoshop' click and go!  

They pop up everywhere at the moment with the popularity of all things vintage and look so great placed somewhere around about the house.   Check out this one being used as book-end (scroll down to find it) and these prints are pretty special too. 

Mmmmm...I can feel a collection starting.

19 January 2011

TWENTY-FOUR: Frosty...bbrrrrr

I woke up this morning and quickly decided that a walk with my camera would have to wait until the sun came out and warmed things up...WRONG...how beautiful is the frost (less beautiful are my frozen hands)!

18 January 2011

TWENTY-THREE: The sky at ...

There was a little bit of light left at 5.15pm - woohoo!

17 January 2011

TWENTY-TWO: Eat cake, drink tea.

UESHIBA (Famous Martial Artist)


Just eat cake, drink tea, feel good.

15 January 2011

TWENTY: Angels

Was about to go for a walk and turned the camera on to check the battery, then took a random snap et voila!  

14 January 2011

NINETEEN: Painting with light

Light painting is BRILLIANT fun.  Have all sorts of ideas brewing for what to create next, check out these examples.  So amazingly effective and creative - who knew what you could achieve with a camera and a torch!

13 January 2011


Considering it's January I thought this looked a very Autumnal picture, lovely colours after the whiteness of the snow.

12 January 2011

SEVENTEEN: Mission: Take ANY Photo

Today was one of those days where inspiration was severely lacking and I had to set in motion 'Mission: Take  ANY Photo'.  Basically the first thing I see, whatever it is, I force myself to take a picture of.  This was on the table next to me, this was the subject, this was the result of a lot of different shots.  It was a huge learning curve into how difficult some things are to photograph, though you'd never have thought it!

11 January 2011

SIXTEEN: This is my best side

This little guy was super friendly and very accepting of all the attention he got, very good model!

10 January 2011

FIFTEEN: So we have fog instead of snow

Walking about I felt as if I was in my own little bubble surrounded by all the fog.

9 January 2011

FOURTEEN: Not perfect but...

This shot was way overexposed so when I got it home I had a quick play with contrast/shadows/highlights and was also annoyed with the awful composition I'd come up with.  Then I walked away.  When I came back and took a second look I rather liked the overall shot.  No, it won't win any awards, but I like it.

7 January 2011

4 January 2011

TEN: Camera at the ready

Sometimes I feel quite overwhelmed trying to learn this photography malarky!  There seems so much to learn and always someone producing 'better' images.  On these days I try and just get out and take a picture, as soon as I start my motivation takes over and I can't stop!  

1 January 2011

NINE: Ready, steady...

Stepping into 2011, here we go ready or not!