10 years ago I had my first SLR experience, this experience can be summed up as follows:
  • it used film
  • i didn't know what i was doing
  • my photos were bad (if they came out at all!)
  • i quickly became exasperated
  • cost of printing my bad photos became very expensive
  • photography was something i didn't think i would ever master.

    I gave up on ever being able to take a good photo after that...until...
    • 7 years later I was given a great little digital point and shoot for Christmas. 
    • I started taking pictures. 

      Then as I was about to travel to Mozambique for a few months...
      • I accidently dropped my precious little camera and smashed it to bits, oops!
      • I got myself another SLR, digital this time, most importantly that meant:
      1. no film
      2. a 'delete' button!  

        However it had so many buttons, so many things to control and think about!  
        1. I read the manual.  
        2. The buttons still meant nothing.  
        3. I took a few pictures.  
        4. They were bad, underexposed, overexposed, blurred
        ARRGGHHHH!  Why could everyone else take beautiful pictures and not me?

        The burning desire to take a good photo was building and with time on my hands and lucky enough to be living in an island style paradise I took it upon myself to practise.  Even if all my pictures were bad, surely with practise they had to get better some time?
        • The pictures were bad for a long time.  
        • Then every now and again I'd load them onto my computer and find one that could be 'passable' as ok.  
        • Then more often more pictures were better.  
        • In fact some I was quite proud of.  

          Now I am enjoying all the mistakes I make, I learn from every 'bad' photo and discover new ways of taking my next attempt... I AM OBSESSED in my mission to take a 'great' photo!  

          Oh and I have a new love of film!  My plastic fantastic camera was cheap as chips, never ever takes a perfect picture BUT creates dreamily beautiful prints. 

          I have a long way to go before i can call myself a 'photographer' but I'm determined to enjoy to journey there!

          My 365 project is part of that journey.