27 February 2011

25 February 2011


In Africa you get bugs, all sorts of bugs, lots of bugs I've never seen before.  Then you get the bugs that are familiar friends, yay for bugs!

24 February 2011

SIXTY-ONE: Smiling happy people

Some happy divers on a night out at the local bar 'Fernandos'.  Getting used to flash settings and messing up the aperture, but still like the three happy faces!

23 February 2011

SIXTY: Fire!

I've never experienced the destructive power of fire first hand.  In the little seaside town of Ponto, Mozambique there are no such things as fire engines, ambulances or emergency services.  Instead there are brave locals with water pumps and hoses.  The fire here at the Salty Surf Shack had only start 5mins before I took this photo and already the place was gutted.  Luckily no one was harmed.  
My lasting memory will be the emotion of watching the shop owner holding a hose, standing at the doorway to her shop, with only a sprinkling of water emerging and realising her actions were hopeless.

22 February 2011

FIFTY-NINE: Kite Flying

I once read that you should try to avoid text in photo's..?!  There's a lot of DIY creativity around in Moz, why not enjoy it and remember it with a photo.

21 February 2011

FIFTY-EIGHT: An Obsession With Shoes

How do people lose their shoes?  For a long time now I've been noticing lost shoes.  I really can't figure how people lose shoes, often just the one shoe.  I have an ever growing collection of 'one lost shoe' pictures.

20 February 2011

FIFTY-SEVEN: Have Book, Will Read

Ok, so I didn't take this pic, but I wanted to add it to my 365 as it encapsulates life in Moz for me.

19 February 2011

FIFTY-SIX: Keep Going

...can you tell life is all about the beach here?

18 February 2011

FIFTY-FIVE: Backyard Beauty

Happy Sunflower in our backyard, he lives alone but smiles all day long.

17 February 2011

FIFTY-FOUR: More Beach Time Fun

Another walk along the beach (daily occurrence) and another friend made.  There are loads of dogs here in Moz that randomly befriend you for the day before disappearing to find new pals.  

16 February 2011

FIFTY-THREE: Flutter By Butterfly

Colour colour colour!  This guy was chilling on the porch this morning, he hung around for ages and we were happy to have him.

FIFTY-TWO: A Nice Welcome Back

Two expensive jackets, one pair of expensive sunglasses and a stark reminder of how 'european' we'd become.

14 February 2011


A couple of posts are missing as I took my 365 photos on my phone and can't retrieve them at the moment...will post when I can. 

13 February 2011

FIFTY: Off to Moz...

Today we start our 24hr journey to South Africa, then on to Mozambique.  Bad communication (no signal, dodgy signal) mean posting my 365 updates is difficult - but I have each days photo waiting in the wings for when I have faster connections : )

12 February 2011

FORTY-NINE: The Bunch Of Carrots

Last night in the UK for a couple of months so we went to a good ole English pub for dinner, YUMMY!  

11 February 2011

FOURTY-EIGHT: Food, Glorious Food!

I love food, good, wholesome, deliciously satisfying food.  Food is particularly fabulous when you feel its deserved, like after long walks in the cold, you need warming and filling.  We've booked into a local pub well known for it's great food tomorrow, The Bunch of Carrots.  

10 February 2011


Today I decided to not take my 'proper' camera out with me and what a mistake that was.  I saw this graffiti pig on a wall by the river in Hereford, he says 'oink' underneath.  I'm not condoning the defacement of public areas, but he looks wonderful where he is and so many children were on the bridge nearby laughing and giggling over him.  

I took the picture from a distance with my phone and obviously the quality is shocking, I learnt (not for the first time) to ALWAYS have your camera on you!

8 February 2011

FORTY-FIVE: Dreaming

Celebrate your success and stand strong when adversity hits, for when the storm clouds come in, the eagles soar while the small birds take cover.

6 February 2011


Raiding the loose change ready for the trip back to S.Africa this time next week. 

FORTY-TWO: Ring Ring

The new telephone table. 

5 February 2011

FORTY-ONE: Get. Camera. Out.

It's a 'take a photo of anything' day today, hhmmm.

3 February 2011

THIRTY-NINE: Drip Drip Drip

Broken pressure valve in water system = hole in kitchen ceiling : (

2 February 2011


February, a month filled with Valentines merchandise EVERYWHERE.  Thought I'd get my bit in there as feeling loved up as my husband comes home in one weeks time (he's an engineer on yachts working 2 months on 2 months off).

1 February 2011


The sun came out to say hello today and if it wasn't for Project : 365 I wouldn't have gone for a walk and found this lovely spot just down the road, thank you sunshine!