18 April 2011

114: Old Pal

This is Winnie.  I was given him for my 7th birthday, he was a 'make-it-yourself' pack.  His legs are sewn on backwards, his fur is thinning in his old age and he's had several operations to fix him back together.  We've been through a lot together.   He lost his original jacket early in his life and now sports a rather fetching EDD The Duck jumper, straight out of the 80's.  

He always knows what to say.  He's very wise is Winnie.

15 April 2011

111: Are you in or out?

Got that feeling today, that one where I'm not quite sure what to do next, where to go now.  Like choosing between two sides of a coin.

10 April 2011

106: Dragonfly

Favourite colour turquoise and go crazy for anything 'dragonfly'.

9 April 2011

105: I smell of...

Makes me feel like the sun is shining even when it's not!

8 April 2011

104: spot the theme

Slight obsession with flowers (again), it is spring though!

7 April 2011

103: feeling fresh

My doors are open, there's a gentle breeze and the sun is shining.

6 April 2011


Brought to my attention by @benhashair on twitter, it's so true & so funny too!  


I put myself at the point just after 'my first tripod' & am now laughing at myself because...

1. I've spent the day taking pictures of flowers AND cats (and I even used my tripod)!!!! 
2. I'm curious about this HDR thing
3. I know I'm improving, but still think "I'm no good"
4. I'm pretty confident with exposure & the inner workings of my camera - but now spend too much time scouting new gear!
5. I've become obsessed with flickr & photoshop.

102: garden windmill

Found a little windmill in the garden this morning!

5 April 2011

101: spring in my step

Blossoming, sun attempting to shine bright & outside actually feels warm!

4 April 2011

a learning process

Being in South Africa & Mozambique for the last 6 weeks has meant that I've been unable to upload my daily 365 photo's.  Steadily I am working through them & preparing them to be uploaded.  I'm also learning to play around with a couple of editing programmes, which has slowed the process of uploading - hopefully my photographs are improving though, time will tell.  

100: he looks angry

" don't scrub me off " ...Why not you don't look happy to be there?

3 April 2011

99: lovely long green grass

Went for a walk in the park today, lovely long green grass.  I so can't wait for summer and picnics in the park. 

2 April 2011

98: type type type

A fantastic gift from a friend in Canada who knows I love letters, in the typography sense.  As it says on the box "Each card tells the unique story of a specific area of focus in typography".  I think they look pretty great too.


In the midst of trying to learn how to manipulate photo's I got distracted and made this from a tutorial I found...learnt SOOO much about using layers, masks etc