30 May 2011


Things have been hectic this last couple of weeks...me and my camera have been adventuring in sunny Devon.  Check out the results here.

156: An old photo, a new edit.

22 May 2011

148: Write It Down

This beautiful Indian notebook was given to me a couple of years ago.  I've started using it as my 'write anything' book, helps to have somewhere to keep my ideas together : )

21 May 2011

147: Jump

So I went to Devon for a couple of days to do a Wedding Photography Workshop...more on that soon...but here's a sneak peak at one of my favourite images I took:

16 May 2011

142: Birdsong

Earlier today, after working on a few projects for much of the morning I decided to get away from my computer screen and head out for a brisk walk.  The fresh air really helped enliven me again & the best thing about my walk was listening to all the birds.  They made me smile.  Thank you birds! 
New post on the other side...


15 May 2011

141: Cupcakes To go

I can't remember the last time I made cupcakes, I'm not sure I was even into double digits! 

14 May 2011

140: Patience

This lovely old man was waiting patiently outside the supermarket today, only taken on my phone so quality is dreadful but I loved his blue backdrop. 

13 May 2011

139: Tea Time

WOW! Time is flying by at the moment.  I have been managing to get my photo a day, which I'll admit some days can be a struggle.  There are times when I really don't feel very creative and I become my own worst enemy thinking that the picture for the day isn't good enough.  

I'm working on lots of my photos in Photoshop now, to try and become familiar with the program and see what I can do.  However, because I'm spending a few days playing with each picture it means I'm not uploading to the blog as often...hopefully by picture 365 I'll be a whizz with Photoshop!

11 May 2011

137: Upwards

Not a cloud in sight today so I lay on the grass and looked skyward for inspiration.

10 May 2011

136: All About Tea

A lovely day spent painting my very own teapot. 

3 May 2011

Check Me Out Here...

I have been wanting to add more written posts along with my 365, but not related to the project, so have created... 


It's where all my other photography will be, I'd love you to check it out and tell me what you think.